News & Technical Advice

Getting Your Home Ready for Winter: Easy Maintenance Tips

The shorter days and longer nights of winter are approaching, which means it’s time to get your home ready to withstand the cold weather. One simple but effective way to do this is by draught-proofing your home. This involves sealing any gaps around doors, windows, roofs, and walls to prevent cold air from coming in. You can use draught-proofing strips or silicone sealant for a more permanent solution. It’s also a good idea to invest in proper wall or loft insulation to keep heat from escaping through the roof.

To protect your original wood floors, you may need to fill gaps that appear as the weather gets colder. You can hire a professional to do this using a filler called “Sliver.” It’s also a good idea to pay attention to the coating on your wood floors and touch up any bare patches to protect them from the dirt and grit brought in during the winter.

Don’t forget to book your boiler in for an annual service with a trained engineer to ensure it’s working properly throughout the winter. It’s also a good idea to flush out any sludge that has built up in your boiler to allow hot air to flow freely. Finally, make sure to clear any debris, such as leaves and twigs, from outdoor pipes and drains to prevent blockages.

Here are some more actions you might consider taking to prepare your house for the winter season:

  1. Insulate your home: Proper insulation can help keep heat in and reduce your energy bills.
  2. Seal windows and doors: Check for drafts and seal any gaps to keep cold air out and warm air in.
  3. Service your heating system : Have a professional inspect and service your furnace to ensure it is running efficiently.
  4. Install weather stripping: Weather stripping can help seal gaps around windows and doors, making your home more energy efficient.
  5. Clean gutters and downspouts: Remove leaves and debris from your gutters to prevent ice dams from forming.
  6. Drain outdoor pipes: Disconnect and drain any outdoor hoses and insulate outdoor pipes to prevent them from freezing.
  7. Reverse your ceiling fan: Switch the direction of your ceiling fan to clockwise, which will help circulate warm air throughout the room.
  8. Stock up on supplies: Make sure you have enough salt, sand, and shovels on hand to clear walkways and driveways if it snows.

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